This is the offical Terms Of Service for Halos Development. Some key terms before we get started. We hope you choose Halos Development ("We", "Our", "Halos Development", "Managment", "Freelancers"), we will be happy to make you our client ("You",, "Your" "Client", "Customer") Now lets start the Terms Of Service.
To be eligible to create a commission, receive our services/product, you must be 18 years of age, or 13 years of age with parental coneset to legally agree to this document. By doing busiiness with Halos Development, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to this document in its entirety.
Do not abuse Halos Development services. The services requested by you must follow in accordance with the law. We reserve the right to terminate and suspend your access to any future services.
Any work produced in Halos Development is under the ownership of Halos Development and the Freelancer that is working on the product, you will be transfered ownership of the product once the commission is completed by Halos Development.
All payments are made through our invoices and they will be handled through PayPal or Stripe. In some circumstances we will be taking payments via Crypto, up to management. We will not be accepting any other forms of payment. Do not commission Halos Development without reasonable intent to compensate for our services. It is your responsibility to fully pay the invoice on time. We are required to gather your email so we can send you a invoice, if one is not provided we are unable to proceed with your commission. We require a valid email address in order to send you a invoice for PayPal or stripe.
Halos Development understands that there are some circumstances that may result in a refund. However, refunds are not guaranteed. Refunds must only be approved by management members or the freelancer. Refunds will not be handled through a transaction dispute case, if you decide to open a case you will be blacklisted from ordering services at Halos Development.
Here are some examples on when you may be granted a full or partial refund:
- If no work has started, you are eligible for a full refund (excluding tax's fee).
- If work has started, you may be eligible for a refund depending how much work was completed. (excluding tax's fees) Halos Development will need to verify what work has been completed by the freelancer. You are required to wait up to 14 days for us to verify what work is completed by the freelancer.
- Missed Deadline Partial Refund. Please read our Deadline Section.
If refunds are approved, we will send back to the form of payment that was originally used.
PayPal Refunds - We will only refund you the amount before the tax's as they are PayPal's fees we have no way of refunding that back.
Crypto Refunds - We will only be able to refund the amount after fees from Coinbase.
Refund process may take up to 14 days to verify/process by Halos Development.
Deadlines is a date, that is agreed upon the freelancer and client before the invoice is generated. If it is not agreed upon and confirmed by the freelancer and client the deadline will be come VOID and inadmissible. Deadlines are for when the product/service is supposed to be fully completed. If the service is not completed on the deadline the freelancer can request to set a new deadline as well at the end of the commission the client can request a Missed Deadline Partial Refund (read below on the terms for Missed Deadline Partial Refund).
Missed Deadline Partial Refund:
- The client may request a Missed Deadline Partial Refund as compensation for a missed deadline by the freelancer. This may only be requested at the end of the commission.
- Missed Deadline Partial Refunds are calculated by 5% for each day that the deadline is overdue, up to 40%.
- Missed Deadline Partial Refunds will only be determined by a Management Member.
Inactive Commissions are caused by the Freelancer or Client. For a commission to enter the Inactive state ether the Freelancer or Client does not send a message in the order ticket for 30 days.
In the case of a Freelancer not sending a message in 30 days, the ticket will go inactive and the order will be refunded to the client, unless some sort of work has been sent. Then a partial refund will be sent based on the amount of work completed.
In the case of a Client not sending a message in 30 days, the ticket will go into inactive, if the freelancer has sent the work commissioned the order will be marked as completed. No refunds will be given after the ticket goes inactive.
Any attempt to chargeback will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. You are responsible for paying the invoice in full based on what was discussed in your agreement with the Freelancer. If you wish to refund please contact a managment member via a ticket and read the refund terms above. If you are paying with any credentials that are not yours, you assume all the risk. Halso Development is not responsible.
1. Halos Development is not responsible for any loss of files, projects, corrupt files, loss of revenue, data loss, etc.
2. Halos Development is not responsible for any damages caused by the freelancers
3. Halos Development is not responsible for unavailable freelancer or staff members.
4. Halos Development is not responsible for any actions of our team members outside of Halos Development or a work context.
5. Halos Development is not liable for the freelancers actions if you contact a freelancer outside of Halos Development.
6. Halos Development is not responsible if you decide to work with a freelancer outside of the order ticket you forfit your rights to any refunds/protection provided by Halos Development.
Once the product is completed, client has 30 days of product support. Halos Devlopment will provide product support for the following.
- Bugs caused directly caused by Halos Devlopment or freelancer
- The client requests changes subject to appoval by the freelancer.
If a freelancer no longer works at Halos Development, we will no longer provide you support with your product.
Anything besides the stuff listed any updates or changes to your product will be subject to extra charge.
Communication/Contact between the freelancer and client will only be allowed via the order ticket created in Halos Development. Any contact outside of Halos Development will be inadmissible.
Any information discussed or any information the Freelancer, Client, or Halos Development comes knows during the commission is confidential. Information may be shared if allowed by Client, Freelancer, and Halos Development.
I agree and acknowledge that these terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We reserve the right to terminate any ongoing commissions at any time with out refund.